Nutrient insufficiencies vs deficiencies: Which do you have?
When it comes to our nutritional status, getting a clear picture of the nutrients we might be lacking in can, in some instances, be difficult.
Because while nutrient deficiencies are fairly clear, nutrient insufficiencies aren’t always as easy to identify.
Take vitamin C for example.
A deficiency in this essential nutrient will often show up as scurvy – a condition marked by swollen gums, joint pain and fatigue. It’s easier to diagnose a condition like scurvy because the symptoms are evident and clinicians have a set of diagnosable symptoms to line up against.
An insufficiency on the other hand might not always be so easy to recognise. You could be getting sick more often or having more frequent histamine reactions, for example. Yet, these symptoms might not immediately be put down to a vitamin C issue as there could also be numerous other underlying causes of your symptoms.
Paying attention to the symptoms your body is giving you and recognising that this is how your body communicates that something is lacking is super important. This is how we prevent an insufficiency from becoming a deficiency.
And it’s not always essential to identify which nutrient you’re needing more of specifically (though your symptoms will of course offer you clues). Often, if we simply amp up our nutrient intake by consuming a variety of plants and whole, real foods, including plenty of veggies, we offer our body the abundance of nourishment it needs for us to thrive.
Organic Daily Greens and Radiant Reds has been specifically formulated to contain a diverse array of nutrients that support overall health. Packed with an assortment of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants from carefully selected vegetables and a superstar berry, this potent blend is designed to boost the nutrients you need for fantastic immunity, great digestion, excellent oxygenation and efficient detoxification.
By incorporating a teaspoon of Organic Daily Greens and Radiant Reds into your daily routine, you’re not just supplementing; you’re proactively supporting your body’s needs, helping to maintain optimal health and prevent the slide from insufficiency to deficiency.