How bile helps signal satiety to your brain
When we eat, a series of hormones, metabolites and nutrients send messages to the hypothalamus in our brain. Among many things, these messengers help to communicate both hunger and satiety—so we know when to keep eating, or to end a meal. Some common hormones you may have heard of that are involved in this process are leptin, ghrelin and insulin.
One of the most abundant substances in a well-functioning gut is bile.
Beautiful bile
Bile is critical for the digestion and absorption of dietary fats and fat-soluble vitamins. It has anti-microbial properties too, so plays a major role in preventing SIBO. However, it also plays a key role in relaying information to your brain about when you’ve consumed enough food to survive—so your brain can work out when it’s time to stop eating.
Bile does this by escaping the digestive tract, entering the bloodstream, and connecting to receptors in the hypothalamus that block the release of appetite-stimulating peptides—essentially telling the brain we’re satiated.
What happens if you’re not making enough bile?
Bile is made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder and many people today aren’t making enough for a long list of reasons. This can show up as sluggish bowels, bloating, and a foggy, headachy feeling. It can also lead to you missing out on this critical satiety signal.
The best way to improve your bile production is to increase your intake of bitter herbs and foods. Most green leafy vegetables have a bitter taste base and the most bitter herb in the world is called Gentian, which is used in traditional medicines to aid digestion.
Bio Blends Liver Love promotes bile production
Not only does our Liver Love blend contain specially sourced Gentian, it also contains four other plants and herbs designed to work with your body to support natural liver detoxification processes and healthy liver function, including efficient bile production.
Because the liver is incredibly resilient, most people notice changes to how they feel within a few weeks—although we do recommend taking Bio Blends Liver Love consistently for 3-6 months, or for as long as you are appreciating the benefits.
Wishing you and your liver lots of love and may your bile production be abundant!